Sometimes I wish I was a man so I didn’t have do go through this. I worked in tech part time and had people treat me as if I was dumb and stupid just because I was wearing hijab. I worked in IT Support and people used to show up expecting a man and even ask me “where is the IT GUY?” when they come to our location. I am traumatized from my previous job and how clients everyday asked me where the IT GUY was when I had a whole badge with me and they always act shocked when I solve their issues quickly.

If it’s a one time thing, I understand, but when it happens daily, this things get to you on a much more deeper level. Daily micro aggressions turn to trauma.

This led to me having waswas about my hijab and when I talked to my other Muslim friends they said they saw a huge difference in how they are treated when they wear hijab and when they don’t at work.

I only wore hijab for Allah and not people but my iman has been low lately and I am really scared. I know Allah is the best of providers. I wish I was at my home country. No one really cared or discriminated you or made me feel dumb for wearing a headscarf.

I have a product manager role I am starting in two weeks and I am not sure how the engineers I will be working with will take advice from a hijabi who they think is “submissive” “naive”.

I am mostly looking for reassurance here and what to do.

submitted by /u/highlydisciplined
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