..until I fully understand that the reason we sometimes feel this way is because we restrict ourselves into thinking that we live a short life and the life here on earth is very precious.

It is not. The life here is a very, very short one. Most live less than a century. Now compare this to eternity. Forever. What is 80 years (or 40 years if you die young) compared to living thousands and thousands of years in Jannah. The life here on earth won't even make up 0.1%. If it's a Harry Potter book, jt won't even cover one page.

Jannah is real. A place where there's zero worries about paying your bills on time, about saving up to buy that brand new car you'd been eyeing for, to fear about being bullied or oppressed, or getting seriously sick over some disease. Really think about it.

Allah SWT has promised us that the life here is just temporary. It is considered just an illusion. We, as Muslims know this, but many of us don't really think deeply and reflect on it.

We see our loved ones leave us, sometimes die in a very sudden and brutal way such as dying of a terminal illness or being in an accident, and sometimes even see people being borned handicapped. We get sad, and at times angry at Allah SWT. Those who've died, we perceived them as dead and gone. That there's no justice or fairness at all.

They're not gone. They have just moved on to another part of a life, an InshaAllah to a much, much better place. Allah SWT is just and fair. Its us, living here, disillusioned into thinking we're the lucky ones because we're alive. We most likely aren't. We are the ones who are still facing the trials and tribulations and are still being tested. Still on earth resisting from committing sins and trying so very hard to do good deeds. Those who have died, they're being relieved from all these.


بَلْ تُؤْثِرُونَ ٱلْحَيَوٰةَ ٱلدُّنْيَا

But you prefer the worldly life,


وَٱلْءَاخِرَةُ خَيْرٌ وَأَبْقَىٰٓ

While the Hereafter is better and more enduring.

submitted by /u/haikallp
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