There is a hadith that says “Treat women kindly,for a woman is created from a bent rib,and the most crooked part of the rib is the top part...”

This implies that women are created from men’s ribs. However it is not specified if it is true for all women,or only Eve (since the second ‘woman’ in the hadith is singular)

In Quran it is said that “ And one of His signs is that he created mates for you from yourselves that you may find rest in them,and He put between you love and compassion; most surely there are signs in this for a people who reflect” (Al-rum: 21)

Can we understand it as wives are made from the husbands? (“he created mates for you from yourselves”)

If it is true that wives are indeed created from the ribs of husbands,then what about women/men who do not marry for various reasons? Or Men/women who marry multiples times for several reasons?

I have searched for this on the internet,and found conflicting answers. Hence,I am turning to the sub for answers.

Thank you very much. Please excuse any spelling/grammatical mistake you find.

submitted by /u/Disappointing_sperm
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from Islam
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