For starters, I am a Catholic Christian and I honestly used to have a distaste for Islam, but I've grown to respect it for its rigidity and the pious devotions of its adherents.

To begin, I personally grow more and more appalled at the West's rapid decline in recent years. American culture in particular seems to have devolved into a grotesque celebration of vice and excess. A culture once based upon religious Christian virtues and principles now seems to have torn down all remnants of that religious foundation and replaced them with an adoration of intoxication, pleasure, and political correctness.

I made this post because Islam seems to be the only Abrahamic religion that still has a backbone, so to speak. For example, in June I saw an image of a bunch of company logos based on what nation they operated in. Only the Muslim countries did not have a rainbow background. Even at the US embassy to the Vatican, they had the nerve to fly a rainbow flag. They knew they wouldn't get away with that in Saudi Arabia.

So, as someone brought up in this culture who finds it growing increasingly repulsive, I struggle to comprehend how a Muslim from a Muslim country could look at the USA as a desirable place to live and raise a family. I grew up here and I don't even want to raise kids in a culture that is this degenerate and God-less.

And yet, plenty of Muslims immigrate every year. I don't get it. Are these people just not that religious? Are they unaware of just how utterly sinful this national culture is becoming? I understand there's economic incentive but how much is it really worth to move here and then have your son be brainwashed into becoming a sodomite or your daughter grow up to become a whore or a rabid feminist?

I suppose I'm saying that, as a Christian, I wish there were still rigidly devout Christian nations, but Christianity appears to be dying everywhere in the West, and even the Catholic Church leaders seem to have abandoned their flock, so I can't see why a devout Muslim would want to leave a Muslim homeland for a land with no God at all.

submitted by /u/TheGreatMadisonGrant
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from Islam
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