My mother is abusive. Verbally and physically. As the status is well known basically by every single person in this ummah, she uses that her advantage.
She goes on a cursing rampage on my faults and mistakes as well as exaggerating them and making up false claims about me. She backbites me.
She has always hit me. Her character is bad. Period. But she cooks, looks after the house, and has put up with me as a baby.
Put up with me. But in reality it's highly possible that she has smacked me in the face countless of times as an infant.
She makes bad'dua for me, constantly wishing for me to never succeed. She goes out of her way to always discourage me and always claims, that because I have offended her, I will fail. Because Jannah lies under her feet.
One examples is exams. She would curse me out and confidently tell me that I will definitely fail. I passed, but the whole process of preparing and studying for those exams was made hard because she would say that all the time (even though these exams are easy).
She has made me suicidal for almost half my life now. I lived basically my whole life feeling unloved because she treated me as a burden.
When she keeps on doing what she does at some point, I feel like I need to defend myself, or else it will get worse. At the end she beams in pride because she's mom and no matter what she does, her respect is worth more than my pain. She is a narcissist. She doesn't care about anyone else's feelings except for hers.
Why is the bar for being a good Muslim parent set so low by our society? Especially for mothers. Yes childbirth is hard but when the da'wah community has always focused on that, it has now acceptable for mother to deem her job finished up giving birth. That now jannah is under her feet and she will face no consequences for her actions. Mothers have become a separate caste in the Muslim world.
I am a scholar, but feel so lost. Those seven years in madrasa I never found anything substantial and clear cut about this. Just vague bits here and there. It doesn't help when the sheikhs and the da'wah community constantly talk about the rights of parents and when there's more clear hadith about their rights than children's. Nothing like, "Don't curse/berate your child", "Don't beat your child" even though naturally child abuse occurs more than parental abuse as the child is the one from the start that's weaker and at the person's mercy.
Mercy. In da'wah, a lot of da'ees and traditional teachers talk how parents should be respected because the baby was at their mercy. Why at their mercy? As if parents have an option to not be merciful? The child is their responsibility. Some of them act like these children asked to be born or deserved to be abused. It doesn't help at all when all we do is bring up hadith that are generic (be kind, be merciful etc) to n audience where there are no potential perpetrators. Muslim parents (especially boomer generation and older, definitely going to the first humans) do not see themselves as generic but exceptional, so they need to be addressed directly.
Even despite my knowledge she treats me like garbage. Both my parents treat me and my siblings unequally (this is the only concrete right of children I know of).
Honestly at this point I have tawakkul issues. I think what if Allah chooses to side with my parents instead of me this matter. The happiness of the lord lies in the happiness of the parents and the displeasure of the lord lies in the displeasure of the parents.
And they have been displeased. The problem is that it's my misery and suffering that makes them happy. They like control. They want me to just heed to everything they want like robot. And it makes me want to kill myself.
Which is worse? My parents feeling disrespected (even from a civil disagreement/having different opinion, just a simple no) or me being abused (if Allah even considers it abuse that is).
Most others just straight up leave Islam when they go through this like me, but I'm still in because my aqeedah is strong alhamdulillah.
I can't talk to my peers about it because they just don't get it and I'm ashamed to tell them because we're supposed to be the last to ever think of suicide or have bad relationships with their parents. A couple who I open up just straight up dismiss me and tell me I should just make up with my mom. I can't make up with my mom because that just boosts her narcissism and gives her more room to continue abusing me.
I'm hoping someone who studied more than me, has more knowledge than me can just talk to me about this because I just feel so lost and nobody around me irl wants to hear me out. They all sympathize with my mom even though majority never met her.
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from Islam
I never get responses to questions I ask on fatwa sites so I'm asking here.
I applied for two jobs, for one I had an introductory call and for the other I got called for an interview which is this week. I prayed istikhara asking Allah to bless me with whichever of the two jobs was best for me (or neither, if that's what's best). After the introductory call with company A I didn't hear back from them (it's been a week) but the other night I had a dream that I interviewed at company B (the interview I have this week) and got the job. When I applied for the job in real life I either must have not seen the salary or I obviously forgot, but In my dream they also gave me a salary and when I went to check the job website today, it was the same number that appeared in my dream. I've been feeling good as well. I'm wondering if this good be a response to my istikhara since I know people seem to get divided on whether or not a dream actually means something. Just curious to hear some thoughts and maybe some of your experiences too with dreams after istikhara that ended up coming into fruition somehow.
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from Islam
Isn't it too harsh for just not believing in him? Especially considering the fact that he loves us all 70 times than a mother does.
Also, please don't get angry and start downvoting me. This is a genuine question.
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from Islam
For starters, I am a Catholic Christian and I honestly used to have a distaste for Islam, but I've grown to respect it for its rigidity and the pious devotions of its adherents.
To begin, I personally grow more and more appalled at the West's rapid decline in recent years. American culture in particular seems to have devolved into a grotesque celebration of vice and excess. A culture once based upon religious Christian virtues and principles now seems to have torn down all remnants of that religious foundation and replaced them with an adoration of intoxication, pleasure, and political correctness.
I made this post because Islam seems to be the only Abrahamic religion that still has a backbone, so to speak. For example, in June I saw an image of a bunch of company logos based on what nation they operated in. Only the Muslim countries did not have a rainbow background. Even at the US embassy to the Vatican, they had the nerve to fly a rainbow flag. They knew they wouldn't get away with that in Saudi Arabia.
So, as someone brought up in this culture who finds it growing increasingly repulsive, I struggle to comprehend how a Muslim from a Muslim country could look at the USA as a desirable place to live and raise a family. I grew up here and I don't even want to raise kids in a culture that is this degenerate and God-less.
And yet, plenty of Muslims immigrate every year. I don't get it. Are these people just not that religious? Are they unaware of just how utterly sinful this national culture is becoming? I understand there's economic incentive but how much is it really worth to move here and then have your son be brainwashed into becoming a sodomite or your daughter grow up to become a whore or a rabid feminist?
I suppose I'm saying that, as a Christian, I wish there were still rigidly devout Christian nations, but Christianity appears to be dying everywhere in the West, and even the Catholic Church leaders seem to have abandoned their flock, so I can't see why a devout Muslim would want to leave a Muslim homeland for a land with no God at all.
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from Islam
I don't really know why, I felt the urge to share my story on reddit. This is my very first post, I might not post anything on anywhere else but I just wanted to share that one.
So, for my background: I was raised by my mother, who is an atheist (as far as I know, my whole family is atheist, but really respectful of everything like race, religion, opinions, etc, we just mind our own business). My father died when I was almost 2 years old and my mother had different boyfriends during me living with her. After some relational issues with her, I stopped talking to her 2 years ago, before I converted so nothing to do with islam, anyway. So I was an atheist for 21 years.
Since my whole family is atheist, I never really questionned the existence of a God, I never really looked into it. I knew religious people, muslims, catholics, bouddists etc but I never thought or talked about God. At some point in my life everything went wrong: life got pretty hard on me but Al hamdu lilah I'm safe. When getting out of a rough time I always said things like "I got here by myself, only I can save myself" etc etc because I was never aware that Allah was by my side: as I said I just never thought about any God whatsoever. I was thinking "Meh, science explains everything blah blah" never thinking that science and religion could go together.
But one day I read the last book of Stephen Hawking; Brief answers to the Big questions; and in it he discusses the potential existence of God. It wasn't the chapter that made me buy the book but definitely the one that I found most interesting. And basically what he says can be put down as: There was the Big Bang, the evolution, we come from animals etc etc etc, but the Big Bang had to be engaged by somthing: God. Well that is at least one part of his theory, he doesn't believe in God and explains why in the chapter but the theory of God creating the universe made so much more sense than the view I had on Adam and Eve. Don't get me wrong, I believe in Adam and Eve now, I was just always told God created the Earth, put Adam and Eve in there and poof, humanity. That's basically my insights on religion before I looked more into it.
Fast forward a few months, I still don't believe in God but Hawking's theory stays somewhere in my head. I come back from England to France (France is my native country, I stayed a few months in England) and from there starts a whole new rough time: coming back and re-acclimating to the hardship of French life was hard. I lived at my sister's house but eventually I had to leave because she has a family of her own: husband, kids, dog, house; they just couldn't afford me. I was thankfully accepted in a young workers home: I had a small room and bathroom of my own. I was a building shared with other young people, with common kitchen or a cafeteria, an office with social workers etc. I met a lot of great people. I arrived there in february and kept to myself. I had been a very lonely person for 2 years now and didn't want to change it. Went to work, came back home, spoke only to the social workers (they were very nice) and that was it. In March, a young woman moved in and one day she saw me going to the common kitchen and followed me. From there a friendship started. It was March, and in April it was Ramadan. I learned that she was a muslim, and during Ramadan, Faith is even more part of Muslim's lives; so I first started to know her, then lockdown and Ramadan came. So during Ramadan I was spending a lot of time with my friend, and, as I've always been veryyyy curious, I asked her a lot of questions: "Why do you fast" "Why do you pray 5 times a day" "Why do you do this, or that" etc etc and she was very happy to answer. A lot of people in my housing were fasting, and the cafeteria was opened during Ramadan at 3 am so Muslims could eat peacefully (Remember, no kitchens in the rooms). So I would go with her at 3am because she was scared to go downstairs alone, and we would talk and I would sometimes ask questions.
And then, I think it was after Ramadan, money started to run out, I lost my job because of lockdown and my allowance was getting to an end. I was looking for a job but hey, you know how it was right? I struggled. And with all the questions I've been asking to my friend, one day I thought: "Please, if there's a God, I need a little bit of money". Mind you, I've never been greedy, I was eating pasta with pasta for lunch and dinner, sometimes went a day without eating, my sister helped me, I was just struggling. And I kid you not, the day after that, THE DAY AFTER, I had money on my bank account, coming from litterally nowhere: I wasn't expecting anything but it came. And I was like "Meh, coincidence". Some time later I asked for a job, and the same day I had a call for an interview (I applied to a lot of things), and got the job a few days later. I asked quite a bit because, well I grew up an atheist, not believing for one second, and in a few weeks time I learn about islam, God, I ask and I get etc, it was really confusing. Then life settled, I started to think over stuff that happened in my life and saw Allah's prints, He, my Creator, has been there all along, I was just ignorant, because no one told me before. And I wanted to thank Him. I didn't know if I could keep up the Muslim path, way of life. I didn't mind not eating pork, I could barely afford meat anyway and was never a big fan of it but, the prayers, all the things to learn from scratch, the Qu'ran, the arabic words, when to say what (like Bismilleh, Al hamdu lilah, etc). And also the look of people: in France islam is quite badly seen: not so long ago France wanted to pass a law regarding the Hijab and banning it from public spaces etc, it was refused because it was going against the Constitution of Human Rights (to tell you how bad it is). But I thought and went over the idea and told myself "Allah gave you so so so much, without you knowing, without you thanking Him, and you're not gonna convert to islam, this beautiful religion, because you're afraid ?
And so on August, 3rd 2020 I went to the mosque with my dear friend and I converted in front of her and an Imam who explained to me different things, about religion and what it all meant. She cried, I was over joyed. And since then, I'm clearly not the perfect muslim but I just force myself to be a better version of myself with Allah and the Qu'ran as a guide, and I hope one day I'll feel good enough to wear the Hijab and follow the path of Allah. He gave me so much, and so much more than I could have asked for, the least I can do is try to be better.
I hope it can help people wondering why, or how you convert to islam, I hope Allah guides whoever needs to see this, and I wish the best for anyone reading this InShAllah, it was pretty long I'm sorry. :)
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from Islam
I made 2 drawings with rules that sheikh Assim Alhakeem told me (drawing the upper body faceless aka. no eyes, mouth and nose). I also checked the internet multiple times and not a single site mentioned beardlike hair and facial covering like glasses and hats.
I am in extreme stress and do not know what to do, I should be asleep long time ago but I am just in a huuge worry and scared.
Another problem is that I made them for other people, should I tell them to delete it or should I only delete it? Someone on reddit even put it as their profile picture.
I don't know why I always end up with grave sins...
Also repenting from it would do nothing wouldn't it since the images are still there.
I always end up in such a bad situation and apologize for these frequent chaotic posts.
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from Islam
I see a lot of people posting articles about how Muslims are mistreated. But at the same people would defend their countries actions when it comes to other issues, let’s say China’s genocide of Uighur Muslims. These people are just using Islam to fuel hate to propel their own agenda.
What do you guys think about that? Is this type of nationalism, favoring specific borders that probably didn’t even exist 100 years ago, justified?
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from Islam
Neutral Moment
Kaja Neutral Moment Beauty Bento Bouncy Shimmer Eyeshadow TrioKaja Neutral Moment Beauty Bento Bouncy Shimmer Eyeshadow Trio ($21.00 for 0.09 oz.) includes three matte eyeshadows in a more velvety, less powdery formula than the brand has released previously. I was surprised to see that this one and the other one launched with it were both rather light-leaning, as Kaja has been a brand that has released most of their trios without putting in very light matte shades–this is the darker of the two. The quality was so-so; the middle shade was sheerer and more powdery, while the other two shades were better.
Quick Shop: SephoraSephora, Sephora (CA)
Modern Beige
Modern Beige is a light beige with warmer undertones and a matte finish. It had nearly opaque pigmentation in a single layer, which applied evenly to bare skin and blended out well with minimal fallout. The texture felt velvety and smooth without being too powdery nor too firmly-pressed in the pan. It wore nicely for seven and a half hours before fading a bit.
Top Dupes
- Marc Jacobs Beauty Take a Memo (PiP, ) is lighter (95% similar).
- Laura Mercier Vanilla Kiss (PiP, $29.00) is darker (95% similar).
- Milani In the Buff (PiP, $5.99) is warmer (95% similar).
- Fenty Beauty Nookie Rookie (PiP, ) is cooler (95% similar).
- NARS Aurora (DC, $25.00) is lighter (95% similar).
- Smashbox Vanilla (PiP, ) is cooler (95% similar).
- Melt Cosmetics Suede (PiP, ) is cooler (95% similar).
- Too Faced Peach Meringue (PiP, $16.00) is cooler (95% similar).
- Tarte Magical (LE, ) is more shimmery (95% similar).
- Hourglass Warm Beige (PiP, ) is cooler (95% similar).
Talc, Mica (Ci 77019), Titanium Dioxide (Ci 77891), Silica, Octyldodecyl Stearoyl Stearate, Phenyl Trimethicone, Octyldodecanol, Magnesium Myristate, Magnesium Stearate, Methylpropanediol, Hdi/Trimethylol Hexyllactone Crosspolymer, Macadamia Ternifolia Seed Oil, Diisostearyl Malate, Dipentaerythrityl Hexahydroxystearate/Hexastearate/Hexarosinate, Dimethicone, Dimethiconol Stearate, Propanediol, Triethoxycaprylylsilane, Hydrogenated Lecithin, Methicone, Aqua/Water/Eau, Ultramarines (Ci 77007), Iron Oxides (Ci 77492, Ci 77491, Ci 77499), Yellow 5 Lake (Ci 19140)
Disclaimer: Ingredient lists are as available by the brand (or retailer) at the time of publishing. Please always check product packaging, if it exists, for the ingredient list applicable to the product you're purchasing, or the brand or retailer's website for the most up-to-date ingredient list.
Quick Shop: SephoraSephora, Sephora (CA)
Java Jazz
Java Jazz is a darker, golden beige with muted, olive undertones and a barely-there golden shimmer through a more matte finish. The texture was very soft, smooth, and finely-milled, but it was somewhat powdery, which led to more medium coverage. I was able to build it up slightly, but it was never fully opaque. It lasted well for seven and a half hours on me.
Top Dupes
- MAC Big Kahuna (LE, $17.00) is more shimmery, lighter, warmer (85% similar).
- Too Faced Nectar (PiP, $16.00) is more shimmery, lighter, warmer (80% similar).
- Dior Emerald #1 (LE, ) is more shimmery, lighter, warmer (80% similar).
- Make Up For Ever S516 Sand (P, $17.00) is more shimmery, lighter, warmer (80% similar).
- Dior Expose #4 (PiP, ) is more shimmery, lighter, warmer (80% similar).
Talc, Mica (Ci 77019), Titanium Dioxide (Ci 77891), Silica, Octyldodecyl Stearoyl Stearate, Phenyl Trimethicone, Iron Oxides (Ci 77492), Octyldodecanol, Iron Oxides (Ci 77499, Ci 77491), Magnesium Myristate, Magnesium Stearate, Methylpropanediol, Hdi/Trimethylol Hexyllactone Crosspolymer, Diisostearyl Malate, Dipentaerythrityl Hexahydroxystearate/Hexastearate/Hexarosinate, Macadamia Ternifolia Seed Oil, Dimethicone, Propanediol, Dimethiconol Stearate, Hydrogenated Lecithin, Triethoxycaprylylsilane, Tin Oxide, Methicone, Aqua/Water/Eau, Ultramarines (Ci 77007), Manganese Violet (Ci 77742).
Disclaimer: Ingredient lists are as available by the brand (or retailer) at the time of publishing. Please always check product packaging, if it exists, for the ingredient list applicable to the product you're purchasing, or the brand or retailer's website for the most up-to-date ingredient list.
Quick Shop: SephoraSephora, Sephora (CA)
Cocoa Dip
Cocoa Dip is a medium, muted brown with subtle, warm undertones and a matte finish. The texture was very smooth and silky with minimal powderiness, and it “melted” slightly on my skin, which gave it a smoother finish than I expected. It had mostly opaque, buildable pigmentation that stayed on well for eight hours.
Top Dupes
- NARS Bengali (P, $19.00) is lighter (95% similar).
- Too Faced Sexpert (PiP, $16.00) is lighter (95% similar).
- Fenty Beauty Nudy Booty (PiP, ) is lighter, warmer (90% similar).
- Wet 'n' Wild My Glamour Squad #1 (PiP, ) is more shimmery, lighter (90% similar).
- Urban Decay Drip (PiP, $19.00) is lighter, warmer (90% similar).
- Charlotte Tilbury Bejewelled (Seduce Glow Enhance) (LE, ) is darker, cooler (90% similar).
- Viseart Grande Pro (Vol. 1) #4 (LE, ) is lighter (90% similar).
- ColourPop Moody (Nude Mood) (PiP, $4.50) is darker (90% similar).
- LORAC Smoke (PiP, ) is warmer (90% similar).
- Makeup by Mario Master Mattes #6 (PiP, ) is lighter, warmer (90% similar).
Talc, Mica (Ci 77019), Iron Oxides (Ci 77499, Ci 77491, Ci 77492), Silica, Octyldodecyl Stearoyl Stearate, Phenyl Trimethicone, Titanium Dioxide (Ci 77891), Magnesium Myristate, Octyldodecanol, Methylpropanediol, Hdi/Trimethylol Hexyllactone Crosspolymer, Macadamia Ternifolia Seed Oil, Dimethicone, Diisostearyl Malate, Dipentaerythrityl Hexahydroxystearate/Hexastearate/Hexarosinate, Magnesium Stearate, Propanediol, Dimethiconol Stearate, Triethoxycaprylylsilane, Hydrogenated Lecithin, Methicone, Aqua/Water/Eau, Yellow 5 Lake (Ci 19140), Manganese Violet (Ci 77742), Ultramarines (Ci 77007)
Disclaimer: Ingredient lists are as available by the brand (or retailer) at the time of publishing. Please always check product packaging, if it exists, for the ingredient list applicable to the product you're purchasing, or the brand or retailer's website for the most up-to-date ingredient list.
Quick Shop: SephoraSephora, Sephora (CA)
Kaja Neutral Moment Beauty Bento Bouncy Shimmer Eyeshadow Trio
Kaja Neutral Moment Beauty Bento Bouncy Shimmer Eyeshadow Trio
Kaja Neutral Moment Beauty Bento Bouncy Shimmer Eyeshadow Trio
Kaja Neutral Moment Beauty Bento Bouncy Shimmer Eyeshadow Trio
Kaja Neutral Moment Beauty Bento Bouncy Shimmer Eyeshadow Trio
Kaja Modern Beige Matte Eyeshadow
Kaja Modern Beige Matte Eyeshadow
Kaja Modern Beige Matte Eyeshadow
Kaja Java Jazz Matte Eyeshadow
Kaja Java Jazz Matte Eyeshadow
Kaja Java Jazz Matte Eyeshadow
Kaja Cocoa Dip Matte Eyeshadow
Kaja Cocoa Dip Matte Eyeshadow
Kaja Cocoa Dip Matte Eyeshadow
Kaja Neutral Moment Beauty Bento Bouncy Shimmer Eyeshadow Trio
Kaja Neutral Moment Beauty Bento Bouncy Shimmer Eyeshadow Trio
Kaja Neutral Moment Beauty Bento Bouncy Shimmer Eyeshadow Trio
Kaja Neutral Moment Beauty Bento Bouncy Shimmer Eyeshadow Trio
Kaja Neutral Moment Beauty Bento Bouncy Shimmer Eyeshadow Trio
Kaja Modern Beige Matte Eyeshadow
Kaja Modern Beige Matte Eyeshadow
Kaja Modern Beige Matte Eyeshadow
Kaja Java Jazz Matte Eyeshadow
Kaja Java Jazz Matte Eyeshadow
Kaja Java Jazz Matte Eyeshadow
Kaja Cocoa Dip Matte Eyeshadow
Kaja Cocoa Dip Matte Eyeshadow
Kaja Cocoa Dip Matte Eyeshadow
from Temptalia
Pink Poetry
Lisa Eldridge Pink Poetry Enlivening Blush ($34.00 for 0.5 oz.) is a vivid pop of pink-coral with subtle, warm undertones and a semi-matte finish. It yielded semi-sheer to medium, buildable pigmentation depending on how much one applied; the brand recommended to use quite a small amount, which is what I did for swatches and achieved sheer, hard-to-overdo kind of coverage. I was able to build up coverage by going back over and patting on additional product (not much) where I wanted (e.g. apples).
The texture was lightly creamy, smooth, and less wet-feeling compared to some other shades; I’ve found the texture to vary noticeably from shade to shade with some being thinner, almost watery in comparison, and others to be denser and more velvety/cream-like. Nevertheless, it applied like the other shades; there were no issues working with it over bare skin or over foundation. It stayed on well for eight hours before fading noticeably on my skin.
I’ve had a couple of readers ask if there were any issues squeezing out product from the tubes, and I did not have issues with most of them, but Pink Poetry was challenging to dispense from the beginning (and hasn’t improved).
FURTHER READING: Formula Overview for details on general performance and characteristics (like scent).
Top Dupes
- ColourPop Splash (P, $8.00) is darker, warmer (90% similar).
- Rare Beauty Grace (P, $20.00) is darker, less glossy (90% similar).
- ColourPop Mistress (LE, $8.00) is darker, cooler, less glossy (85% similar).
- Marc Jacobs Beauty Tantalize Glo (Blush) (LE, ) is darker, warmer, less glossy (85% similar).
- MAC Heat Index (LE, $30.00) is more shimmery, darker, warmer (85% similar).
- Jouer Seduce Me (PiP, ) is darker, cooler, less glossy (85% similar).
- Tom Ford Beauty Exotic Flora (Top) (LE, ) is more shimmery, warmer, less glossy (85% similar).
- Tom Ford Beauty Wicked (P, $60.00) is more shimmery, darker, cooler (85% similar).
- Pat McGrath Lovestruck (P, $38.00) is darker, cooler, less glossy (85% similar).
- Becca Pamplemousse (LE, $32.00) is more shimmery, darker, warmer (85% similar).
Formula Overview
$34.00/0.5 oz. - $68.00 Per Ounce
The formula is supposed to be buildable, though the brand advises to use the "tiniest dot" to start with to get a "translucent 'blushing from within' effect." It can be applied and blended out with fingertips or a foundation brush. The finish is described as "natural, skin-like" that isn't "too dewy or too matte."
From the shades I've tested so far, the formula is buildable from semi-sheer to mostly opaque, and it was easy to apply more if necessary. The needle-nose applicator allowed for a lot of control, so one could get closer to the "tiniest" amount as recommended.
The texture was lightweight, moderately emollient, and dried down to a natural to soft matte finish; one shade appeared more semi-matte (though not flat/dry) on my skin and the other was more emollient in the tube and as a result, somewhat dewier on my skin. The product applied evenly patted on bare skin or over foundation with a fingertip and blended out with little effort. They had a tendency to sheer out, which was as marketed, so they were more foolproof to work with.
It was a more transfer-resistant formula, The blush lasted between eight and nine hours on me before showing signs of fading.
Browse all of our Lisa Eldridge Enlivening Blush swatches.
Disclaimer: Ingredient lists are as available by the brand (or retailer) at the time of publishing. Please always check product packaging, if it exists, for the ingredient list applicable to the product you're purchasing, or the brand or retailer's website for the most up-to-date ingredient list.
Quick Shop: Lisa Eldridge
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Lisa Eldridge Pink Poetry Enlivening Blush
Lisa Eldridge Pink Poetry Enlivening Blush
Lisa Eldridge Pink Poetry Enlivening Blush
Lisa Eldridge Pink Poetry Enlivening Blush
Lisa Eldridge Pink Poetry Enlivening Blush
Lisa Eldridge Pink Poetry Enlivening Blush
Lisa Eldridge Pink Poetry Enlivening Blush
Lisa Eldridge Pink Poetry Enlivening Blush
Lisa Eldridge Pink Poetry Enlivening Blush
Lisa Eldridge Pink Poetry Enlivening Blush
Lisa Eldridge Pink Poetry Enlivening Blush
Lisa Eldridge Pink Poetry Enlivening Blush
Lisa Eldridge Pink Poetry Enlivening Blush
Lisa Eldridge Pink Poetry Enlivening Blush
from Temptalia