Any muslim especially from middle east or PakAfg region who supports the west against China is just chopping their own feet in the long run . You don’t know what you are getting into . Its much much much more important to have a counter balance to the west . When the soviet union collapsed what happened ?

The west invaded muslim nations in name of Democracy, rights and terrorism and left many nations in a perpetual state of civil war . To this day middle east has not recovered from the disastrous US war on terror . You want something like that to happen again ? China has no revolution to export no ideology to implement. They didn’t invade us or destroyed our stability in name of war on terror.

The west needs an enemy . First it was USSR than came Islam now its China . The longer their focus is on China the lesser their focus is on Middle east and Islam . But make no mistake . The day China collapses they will come back again for us . Maybe after some small terror attack which of course I don’t support. They will start another ear on terror. More instability more wars more “democracy” imposed on us . Iraq , Libya , Syria , Afghanistan all are in perpetual states of civil wars because of the west . Pakistan lost 100000 lives and a hundred billion in economy in the war on terror .

We must not get on the China bashing train . The west wants to use us against China just how they used us against USSR . And then ten years later they will call the same groups terrorists, which they were supporting against China . The west already said the ETIM , the east turkestan islamic movement ( the taliban of central asia ) is not a terrorist group . Why ? Because they plan to use them against China .

Its in our best interests that there is at least a counter balance to the west so we aren’t totally exposed later . They are coming for Islam after China . Just like they did after USSR .

submitted by /u/freeuserfreedom6
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