This is going to be a bit silly but I'm a bit paranoid,I apologize in advance. I'm not entirely sure about this but when I was 16 and still in highschool,I seem to remember glancing over some pages of our Islamic Text book. I remember reading something along the lines of making a deal over someone else's deal (which I'm assuming is in financial business context) is haram. Now again,I didn't read into it,nor did I pay too much attention to it for some reason.

So,does anyone know if my imagination is just making things up or if this is actually true in some ways? I don't know how to phrase this question but 2 weeks ago,I was on the market trying to find some used computer parts,my friend found a GREAT deal but he mentioned that the seller was already in contact with a potential customer.(I'm unsure if a set deal was made or if the customer asked to book the item in advance/ask him to not sell it until the customer makes up their mind to actually commit to buying it). 2 days later,he messaged me early in the morning saying he *bought* the item (apparently the seller was a friend of a friend and he somehow convinced the seller to sell it to him.Of course no bribery was involved,he paid exactly what the seller intended in the first place). He and I are unsure of what went down between the customer and the seller but the computer part is now in my PC (it was already purchased and I didn't know how to say no to my friend because he went through the trouble of buying it for me. I didn't want to make it more complicated so I just zipped my mouth and bought it from him). So my question here is, was what he did haram,and should I return this computer part. I apologize for the silly question,but my anxiety has been flaring up because I dont know if I did the right thing or not. P.S English is not my first language,forgive me if I caused any confusion

submitted by /u/wargreymonshield
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