If a person does a lot of wrong in their life and then repents on their deathbed, will they be forgiven and not be sent to Hell? If a Muslim does a lot of good in their life and then does a really big bad thing before their death or abandons Islam in the last few moments, would they be sent to Hell?

What about disbelievers? If an atheist or non Muslim who knows about Islam (like most people) is an extremely good person, what would come of them? Would it mean that everyone that has been exposed to Islam but hasn't become a Muslim will go to Hell, AKA most humans ever?

If someone is a Muslim who says Salat and all but is a horrible person, would they go to heaven for being a Muslim or hell for being a bad person?

For homosexual Muslims, if they have faith in Allah and truly believe in Allah's mercy and still has not abandoned Him after constantly being told to and being told that God hates them, would they go to Hell? For transgender Muslims, if they also believe in Allah's mercy and follow all other parts of Islam, but transition into the other gender to get rid of emotional distress, what could come of them too? (if they ask for forgiveness and repent)

I know that only Allah can decide who truly goes to heaven or hell. But I'm just asking, how merciful is He? How far does his mercy extend and how reserved is it, and to whom is He merciful and to whom is He not? How bad do you have to be to get into Hell, can one sin decide your fate?

submitted by /u/supergamerkit
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