i know your not going to see this as “amazing” and i know your going to think its just a coincidence, but i see it as a sign from Allah. so for about a month now, i have wanted to convert to Islam but i was having a really hard time leaving Buddhism and believing in a whole new thing and practicing a whole new way of life. but today, i think Allah has given me a sign that i need to convert to Islam. i have been practicing Islamic things (mainly phrases) for a few days and today my sister was driving and i was in the car with her. she is 15 and just learning how to drive so there is a high chance she would wreck, and it was also at night. i kept chanting “inshallah, inshallah, inshallah” and thinking of Allah. when she got to her friends house and then my mom started driving, my mom said she kept drifting off into the other lane and if se would’ve drifted too far, we would have wrecked. Later that day, my VERY stubborn dog was outside so i was going to bring him in and he will always just stand on the deck and never come in when i tell him to but i just said “inshallah” in hopes of me not having to stand in the snow until he comes in, and he came in right away. Later that night i was outside thinking about Islam (i can only think really good outside) and i was thinking about fully converting and then i said “i really want to visit Mecca every year” and i kid you not, that second, a huge roar of thunder came out of no where, and this was a clear night besides the snow! there was no thunder before or after. and after those 3 things happened, i feel like Allah is telling me that i need to convert. so bismillah, i will

submitted by /u/99_xe
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