The shills have crawled out of the woodwork. Since suddenly everyone has started loving France despite its merciless and brutal colonial past, a bunch of documentaries are now making the front page. There is that about the Arab slave trade, there is one about the cousin marriage system. I am sure a lot may be incoming.

No one cares who made those documentaries, where the numbers are coming from, who those people are, where are you getting your stats from, where are you getting your history from. Like mindless zombies, no one upvoting or commenting is asking those questions. How easy it is to fool most people with propaganda.

In hindsight, it gives a sense of why movies and documents like Der Ewige Jude and The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion resulted in the deaths of so many Jews. Because the Germans of that time thought they were the smartest people living. And that hubris was the testament to their stupidity.

But the thing is, that makes me happy. Of the 1,000 eyes and ears that watches those documentaries, there would be one who would dig deeper. He would question, research and seek the truth and eventually know how he was being duped. And once he is enlightened, he would realize what the truth is and come to it for Allah (swt) can guide one from the darkest of darkness and astray one from the most brightest of paths.

submitted by /u/Jazbanaut
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