know this that respect is only for winners.

If you want must become powerful.

If you want to people to treat you with respect... you must become powerful (the one who brings value).

Excuses are made for the powerful..while the weak are expected to jump through one ridiculous hoop after hoop.

We are weak... messing with us has no consequences.

We must become stronger (financially, militarily, whatever) We must lead in science, in technology, in human rights (as we define Human rights not how others may define it), in quality of life in our countries.

Then and only then will the world see that a Hijabi is not a poor subjugated woman with no rights, that an extremist is an exception not the rule, that extremists are not unique to muslims.

The powerful defines right and wrong and the weak is subject to the changing whims of the powerful.

All else is bullshit, mere lip service, when its time for action it is the power hierarchy that decides which action to take. Thats why you see no action on matters of Kashmir, Palestine etc. because there is nothing to gain with siding with the muslims.

This is a fundamental law of this world and is applicable to every aspect of life, be it geopolitics or your personal life.

If you are a loser, who provides no value to your social circle, you will be expected to adhere to a higher behavioral standard as opposed to the 'cooler' kids in your social group.

Become powerful and stop expecting the world to be Just.

submitted by /u/vwae
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from Islam
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