Prime Minister (PM) Macron is Agnostic, so am I. As an Agnostic, he is a disgrace to Agnosticism, rather, he is an example of what an anti-theist / Islamophobe is. After examination of the entire situation, I am realizing the horrid Islamophobia being conducted by the French government, the rise in attacks against Muslims, and hatred in general. Upon visiting r/France, I was disgusting by how many “Islam is the problem of this once utopia” “This was terrorism and every Muslim needs to step up and stop defending their disgusting religion” etc.

This disgusts me, their grotesque Islamophobia. And yes, not every and probably not many French people are apart of this, but the fact the government is doing it, that’s different. So goodbye to all my French cheese, no more French wine (honestly, it’s time to try other parts of the world), no more French chocolate, no more French bank partnership, no more French moisturizer or skin care products, and no more French anything. I am NOT going to support their disgusting Islamophobia and I will only start using French products again if they apologize, vote out Macron, and stop being Islamophobic.

I will stand with my Muslim brothers and sisters, not France and Macron. As an Agnostic, non-Muslim (I am not an ex-Muslim either), I will do my part.

Edit: Someone told me that Macron is not the PM, rather the president. As an American, I didn’t know and assumed he was a PM, my apologies. But at the end of the day, that still doesn’t make his Islamophobic actions right.

submitted by /u/SequoiaBoi
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