As-salamu alaykum,

So recenlty I'm in this point of confusion.

I love anime and manga, I like reading and watching stories, the action and all that.

I also wish and have been wishing this for like 4 years now. I wish to write a story on my own. And to tell that story in a way of creativity. Such as a comic.

But I've found out that drawing beings with a soul is considered haram because on the day of judgement you will be asked to "give a soul to it".

What's the wrong in drawing characters from your own imagination?

I am not trying to create life, I am not trying to copy ALLAH's Creation or anything. I'm just trying to use the gift Allah has given to every human being : Imagination.

I get that figures such as sculptures are haram because people tend to idolize them. I am not trying to sculpt anything anyway.

Neither am I trying to make my drawing, made from graphite of the pencil, that is taken from the soil Allah created to be worshipped. I just want to tell a story from my own imagination. A story that will not offend Islam in any way at all.

What should I do? I've wanted to do this so much but now I'm in such a bad spot.

submitted by /u/Lonystal
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from Islam
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