Death has enshrouded life again. I know everyone dies. I know we all must face it and that Allah gives life and death.

I am learning about Islam, but my biggest obstacle has been trying to overcome my doubts with the afterlife and what exists. It’s so bad that my chest gets tight and I just can’t get past the disbelief that anything is there. In my mind I am willing to accept whatever may come. Whether it is that I be judged and put into the 7th level of hell, I am prepared and willing to face my sins.

This earth has been hell. I have been here for 32 years. At at a very young age, my aunt committed suicide, a few years later, my older sister was committed (mental institution) for attempted suicide.
In high school, I had a friend lose his brother to suicide then 2 years later he himself committed suicide. A few years ago I was living in Colorado and again 2 more suicides. Since then I just keep seeing people go in life. From natural death to over dose to drunk/drugged driving. I cannot imagine ever seeing any of these people again. We really are just made up of atoms and electrons and all of these other cells and elements that return to the earth when we die.

So what about our souls?

What happens in the grave? In Islam, it says this stage is called barzakh.

We remain in the grave until the day of judgement.

We are then dispersed to the 7 heavens or 7 hells depending on our sins, beliefs and faith?

I know that I am skipping major points.

Please help me understand how you have confidence in the afterlife. I was born into a non-religious family. Please understand that I learned about various religions during my upbringing, and I could never get past the fact that most religions are taught by humans and therefore can be easily manipulated into whatever humans want.

I see Islam in the mix of all other religions. I don’t mean any offense with my questions, and I am only looking for answers to solve this endless loop of confusion in my head. I’ve always found the answers in Islam, but I always hit this wall when it comes to death and the afterlife.

I don’t like the idea of people living for the afterlife and assuming that we know what will happen when we are so oblivious with everything else in this universe.

What a waste of this life to only focus on death, but that’s what this world seems to be about.

If all we have to look forward to is death, how are we certain that there is anything at all beyond what is here in this dunya?

I don’t know what it is that I am missing. I have watched videos from Omar Suleiman and several other channels on YouTube throughout the last year or so. I know I have other walls within me preventing me from moving forward. I know I need to read the Quran and spend more time looking into answers for my questions.

Ultimately, what gives you faith in Allah and Jannah?

submitted by /u/oceanofchaos56
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from Islam
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