I know this isn't a the most right way to ask for help, I know that probably there is people who know someone who is maybe a schoolar or imam to help me cope with this issue. Again I am not asking a therapy here I am asking help from the point of islam and how to deal with it. So situation is like this, I will not go in to the details that much. My mother and father got divorce, my mom remarried very soon. When I was 12 they got divorce, almost 2 years later I started living with her and my stepfather. From 14-20 he sexualy abused me, with touching and so on. The day I told her that she did not believe me, she was mad. I have to mantion that I come from domestic violent family, where sometimes I would be water boild if I did not eat all from the plate, or spit on if I did not learn for school well(from my mom). My dad however asked me to forgive him even though he used to punish me in a bad manner, but I did so I will not go to the detalis that much about him. My mother however talks bad about my dad, very harsh words that I don't want to mention. When I was 14 she gave birth to my halfsister, they were never home I would take care of her, and still I dp that to this day. If I missbehave now If I tell her that she is wrong and I dont want to be crossroad between her and my brother or my father to say things to him that she wants me to say, she would use islam for small things and threat me that she will haram me,and she did haram me the birth of me and her milk, because I said I dont want to be mother to my siblings or father they already have mother and father who should raise them. She would talk trash about my father and his mother and say horrible things that hurt me a lot. When I tell her that I have to go and pray in order to avoid her anger and my anger not to respond her or have an argument she would yell more and not allow me to go and pray until she finishes yelling with my stepfathwr who is very sneaky and does a lot pf bad things like manipulating and so on. For example last night my dad doesnt have money to pay off my college or to participate even a bit, cuz he js taking care of my brother and his parents. She was mad because I did not want to tell that he is bad person because he doesnt have money, she is telling me that he is lying and my stepfather also talked very bad things, even when I told them I am getting a job to pay it by myself. She made me go to this collage and I did not want to missbehave, now she is also trying to get me "married" for someone i dont want.she would use frases from islam, and she would be mad if I tell her nicley without raising my voice that this is not okay for her to do it. So i keep silent if I tell her anything even fron the islam point of veiw she woukd get extreamly mad. I need the help from the point of islam is there an advice how to go first off all to tell her I need to pray so she stops doing that and that is not letting me pray when I tell her I have to go and pray, because I feel like that is the best solution for me, to cope with it. Seek refugee from Allah.

submitted by /u/blablaabllabla
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