Brothers and sisters, I have an issue. I've always been the kind of person who feels equally tired regardless of how many hours they sleep, ever since I was a little kid. However recently I have noticed that sleeping 3-5 hours a day in order to fulfill my prayers, makes me very snappy and gives me an attitude I don't want to carry with me. On top of this, I noticed that I have much less energy for concentration tasks, like studying Arabic.

I've tried a few things over the past weeks;

  • sleeping after Ishaa until just before sunrise so that I can pray Fajr (typically 4 hours of sleep)
  • sleeping through Fajr just by an hour or two in order to get more rest (5-6 hours of sleep)
  • even trying to go back to sleep at different times in the day after praying Fajr. This method doesn't work for me as well because I have immense difficulty falling asleep after I have woken up.

None of these have been successful and I always slip up somewhere in the day due to tiredness.

Last night I decided to skip Ishaa and sleep straight after Maghrib, to wake up just before sunrise and pray Fajr as well as catch up on Ishaa. This was 5.5 hours of sleep and it was good rest, but It's 05:59 and I can tell I will struggle to remain awake for the rest of the day.

What is your sleep schedule like, and what would you recommend in this situation? Thank you very much.

submitted by /u/a2b4c6
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