So as the title suggests, I feel like I've hit a wall in terms of my faith journey.

I have never felt more lost in my 20 years of existing - like for the first time in my life I truly cannot see where I'm heading. Basically my dilemma is this: I'm at a point where one day I'll feel super confident about my Islam but then the next day I'm seriously doubting everything about religion, like is it really just a man made construct used to manipulate the masses, what if there's really nothing that comes after, and most importantly, is all of this just for nothing?

I guess the reason why I'm so troubled by all of this is the fact that I am 20 years old and somewhat independent, and I feel like I need to figure out the truth right now because I don't wanna regret not having fun in my youth if I have some sort of epiphany 20 years down the line, y'know? I feel like post people who question their faith are a little younger so they have time to really go through the motions and figure things out without sacrificing years of their adulthood.

I don't know what to do at this point, I'm just tired of being stuck in this emotional limbo of asking to believe or not to believe. So I guess my question is, what assures you that you're on the right path? And how do you deal with trying to keep your faith in a society that continuously teaches that religion is obsolete?

submitted by /u/daftari78
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from Islam
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