Assalamualaikum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh,

In Ramadan of this year, Alhamdulillah, bi idhnillah, I started to come closer to the Deen. Shawwal of this year was the first month I can remember where I offered all of my Salat. However, now I have to deal with the issue of how to offer all my Qada salawat. I am aware of the two opinions on this issue, but it seems to be safer to offer all the deliberately missed prayers.

I know that Salah is enjoined as an obligation from the age of puberty. How can I check when did I reach puberty? What signs should I try to remember? I am a boy.

Also, I offered a few prayers in-between. What should I do about them?

Any help is appreciated. Jazaakumullaahu khayran.

submitted by /u/mhimalik
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