A call to all muslim developers and people with great idea's!

We live in a time where one person can affect the lives of thousands or millions of people without having traveled through the whole world. We are in a time where we can simply sit behind our computer and affect people you have never met and never will. This is a call to all muslims to wake up and take advantage of this great blessing. Imagine the scale of your deeds on the day of judgement , islam is all about helping yourself and those around you. I invite each and everyone of you to join this subbreddit.


this subreddit is for Muslim developers, and those with knowledge or experience, to come together and create projects that will benefit the Ummah.

So please, tell us what you're working on, ask for help if necessary, brainstorm some creative solutions and bring out the best in collaboration to compete in good works so we can send our intentions and works ahead of us as.

Would you not love to be in the day of judgement with mountains of good deeds, Just because you helped create an application that changed the lives of your muslim brothers and sisters

Our discord channel


submitted by /u/AbandonFitna
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