Salam All,

This is a personal life hack for myself that makes me feel better and often gives me hope for my own salvation.

Whenever I see a person - be it a random stranger on the street or someone I know - who seems to be having a tough time with life, I make a silent dua to Allah that

"Oh Allah, grant this lady/gentlemen a tomorrow that is better than today, a rest of their life that is better than what they have had so far, and an Akhirah that is better than anything they can imagine".

Sometimes I also add in that Allah grant them hidayah and the best in this world and the next.

This is a simple enough dua, but i'd like to think it acts as Sadaqah Jariah and perhaps this dua and its effects would save me in the Akhirah.

Stay strong brothers and sisters. May Allah reward you all with the best in this world and the next.

submitted by /u/HyperNuclear
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