If you had a tattoo before you converted, you do NOT have to get it removed; you can if you want to, but if the process hurts or could cause damage or harm, it is recommended not to.

Second, once you have converted, all the bad deeds you done before converting are forgiven and you pretty much have a clean sheet.

It is Ramadan right now, and so if you're are fasting and you eat or drink something forgetting you were fasting, whether it is a little or a lot, because you have forgotten, it is okay and your fast still counts, even if you had an entire meal or a single chip. Because the Prophet (PBUH) said “Whoever forgets when he is fasting and eats or drinks, let him complete his fast, for it is Allaah Who has fed him and given him to drink.”

Also, there a 5 prayers a day, in these orders, and also what you have to pray for each prayer and in which order you have to pray them :

Fajr: 2 rakat sunnah, 2 rakat faraz

Zuhr: 4 rakat sunnah, 4 rakat faraz, 2 rakat sunnah, 2 rakat nafal

Asr: 4 rakat sunnah, 4 rakat faraz

Maghrib: 3 rakat faraz, 2 rakat sunnah, 2 rakat nafal

Isha: 4 rakat sunnah, 4 rakat faraz, 2 rakat sunnah, 2 rakat nafal, 3 rakat witr, 2 rakat nafal

Faraz: This is compulsory and you must read this bit

Sunnah: This is compulsory you should read this bit unless you have a valid excuse.

Nafal: This bit is optional, you can read it if you want to, or for extra reward.

I hope this helped you guys :)

Also if you are a convert and you have questions, you should head over to the IslamQA website. You can also ask me if you would like but I may not be able to answer all your questions :).

submitted by /u/AFatPieceOfGarbage
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