My mother was raised as a hardcore Christian. Ever since I was able to remember, my mom has always been trying to shed those beliefs and find her true religion. I have always been interested in different religions and did some research on Islam, but did so when I was too young to really understand it so I don't really remember much. Most of my knowledge comes from casual research and one day on it in my international religions class. Now we live in a very free household however we have always been raised as Christians by my mother (I must emphasize it was a very loose nondenominational you gotta think way). Imagine my surprise when she tells me she is converting to Islam!

Now I want to be respect her religion and try to understand it. I don't want to outright ask her why she converted and what appeals to her because I feel that would frustrate her or worse, she will try to convert me. I have my own religion and don't like to talk about my beliefs (thank you Grandma). I don't understand Islam. It confuses me and what I read confuses me more. So what should I know to be respectful of? What is something to never joke about? What are the tenents and how can I make life easier on my mom while converting? The most I know is to not eat pork.

submitted by /u/wayward_paths
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from Islam
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