Thank you for everyone who helped me, I’ve been learning a little since I was 15 but always has doubts and now at 19 I want to make the next step.

One issue is that I am heavily tattooed and I was very young and stupid when I got a couple of bad ones. I have went to appointments for a certain tattoo that was done bad and got laser (3 times already) but I was going to come back for more appointments until this quarantine issue happened. I do want to get it lightened and then cover it up with something else and finish my other half way done tattoos because they weren’t fully finished. Should I complete this before I revert? I know I shouldn’t of gotten any done but it already happened and my tattoos are either in the process of being finished or that one big tattoo is being lasered already. I know tattoos are haram but I already have them so should I put my reverting on hold because I don’t want to upset god by getting tattoos while I’m in this process :)

submitted by /u/Ukrilnk
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from Islam
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