So basically I'm questioning whether I'll be able to fast during Ramadan.

I am a relatively recent convert to Islam (converted in mid-October 2019). I'm in my early teens and doing my best to pray and understand Islam and the Qur'an (just got an English translation of part of the Qur'an today!) but I still remain very nervous about Ramadan.

My family is semi-religious (Christian) but they're not very accepting of other religions. I love Islam but I'm nearly positive that I could be kicked out of the house I live in if I tell my parents of my conversion. I really want to fast during Ramadan but there will be a lot going on and I don't know if I will be able to.

  1. I'll be on a school trip during Ramadan, and we're basically required to eat. Plus it's a little bit suspicious if a girl in her early teens isn't eating during mealtimes for four days
  2. My parents basically have me eat whether I like it or not and they refuse to take no for an answer about food.
  3. I'm really scared that if I don't fast because of circumstances that may arise, I will not be forgiven by Allah (SWT) since fasting during Ramadan is one of the pillars of Islam, and not fasting is a major sin.

I know I've posted about this before but this whole idea is really daunting for me. I'd really appreciate any advice or input!

submitted by /u/figure_skating_bagel
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