Salaam everyone. Here is a couple I have thought about over the past 6 months about:

  1. What is the point of Allahs test if he already knows the outcome precisely how it is going to happen.
  2. If creation is to benefit humans, then what is the benefit to the billions of humans who are burning for eternity?
  3. Most people who are born in their religions, statistically stay in that religion. Why is it that Allah's main criteria for entering heaven or hell the religion that you are in when most people are just simply never going to become Muslim based on their geography
  4. I've never understood how you can coincide these two points: Its apart of Allah's plan and we have free will. How can we have free will if we are just following Allah's sought out plan? Also, what's the point of interfering in the first place if Allah wants us to make decisions for ourselves?
  5. Over the past couple of months, I have studied evolution quite extensively. I have come to terms with the fact that evolution CAN work with the Quran, however, I really can't wrap my head around Adam and Eve and how that can work with Evolution? Can anyone help me understand how you can reconcile those two facts?

Jazaakallah Khayr. I appreciate any response I get. This post is not meant as anything other than clarification. I dont expect schloarly answers of course, just anything that can clear some of my thoughts up slightly.

submitted by /u/Granuloma-man
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