PLEASE JOIN OUR SERVER IT'd mean a lot to us if you help us grow and learn together. Thank you

السَّلَامُ عَلَيْكُمْ Hi dear brothers and sisters,

I just started a Discord server to teach and spread Islam, and I’d love to have you as a member.

The purpose of our server is to help our Muslim brothers and sister and even non-muslims to teach about the Islam without sugarcoating or hiding the truth from people.We want everyone to know what islam truly is and what are the teachings of Islam so if you Join it'd mean a lot to us.

Learn more about the Server I started – and join it – at []. Once you do, I’ll follow up shortly with more details In the server.

I think you’d be a wonderful addition to the group and hope you’ll consider joining us.

Warm wishes, [Mohmmed Adil]

submitted by /u/hachiman1234567890
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from Islam
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