I’ve had an eating disorder for a large portion of my life unfortunately. Since converting to Islam, the peace of prayer and the Qur’an has aided my recovery greatly. But one thing has hindered it and that has been several people I’ve met almost giving me the impression that my self starvation was a good praiseworthy thing in Islam. One of my Muslim friends said the Prophet (saw) barely ever ate and would suffice on just dates and water. Overeating is heavily criticized in Islam and I see why.

But is extreme self starvation really promoted? I just can’t see it. Yes, the early Muslims (ra) went through starvation and poverty but I don’t see them waging battles, having children etc. if they had been emaciated and starving themselves the whole time. I’ve always gotten the impression Islam teaches moderation with eating-not too much or dangerously little. But lately when I’ve told several Muslims about my eating disorder (it came up after I missed several weeks of classes at the mosque due to illness), some seemed to act like this was a praiseworthy or even Islamic thing. I would shake it off if it was one or two comments but it has been many different comments from multiple people to the effect. I’m really confused and any help would be greatly appreciated.

submitted by /u/CarlyLaura
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from Islam http://bit.ly/2Zi6FZE
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