Assalamu Alaikum brothers and sisters,

I think it’s very important as Muslims that we understand and know where the stuff we purchase comes from. Many Westerners pat themselves on the back thinking their is no slavery anymore when the reality is in the West and Gulf our lifestyles and products are maintained and made through slavery. It’s just out of sight and out of mind because it is outsourced to third world countries. Very popular brands I know Muslims wear all the time such I as Nike, H&M, and Victoria Secret actually have horrible labor conditions and sweat shops, have a horrible impact on the environment, and have a very bad record of animal welfare.

Practical tips? Research the brands and corporations you like and choose what you spend your money on wisely. If you are too lazy there are verified websites like Good On You that do the research for you. They also have apps.

If you’re some type of influencer however big or small do not accept sponsorships from such companies that you wouldn’t and shouldn’t be consuming from. Don’t encourage other Muslim influencers.

Of course I’m not saying this will make a difference to stop oppression but from a spiritual and Islamic perspective this is highly encouraged if not a must. Insha Allah we make this a lifestyle where we care about every aspect of what we consume throughout its journey from the beginning of its creation t to the moment it’s in our hands.

submitted by /u/butwemove
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