I'm sorry the title is really vague I think but I have a hard time explaining it as I don't fully understand myself.

So, I'm 22F and my plan this year was to move out and live in my university city. I don't want to get in to why. Appartment prices are through the roof in this country so I would have to take out a student loan to pay for school and some other expenses. My side job has a good pay so with those two incomes combined I should be able to live comfortably.

I only decided to take out a loan in order to move out when I found out that there was no interest involved. 0%. I didn't believe it when people told me so but it's true.

So I got my parents permission to move out and started looking. Today after a viewing I decided to look better in to the whole thing because I knew something had to be off. And I find out that there is actually no way to know whether I will pay back my loan with riba as they will only set that percentage when I start paying it off (2 years after graduation). Could be 0, close to zero or more if the government decides to screw the people over.

As for now I'm finding out whether I understood correctly and if there's some type of loophole but I was really really upset. My heart dropped when I found this out. Moving out has been something I looked forward to for AGES. I need it, I need it to ne happy and my parents support it and I don't know how I will cope if I can move out only after studies (summer 2020 in sha allah). As I mentioned I don't want to get into the reasons but I really feel it's best for me and parents agree. I seriously considered dropping out of my masters programme. So please understand this is so very important to me.

But what to do about the whole loan thing? Is there anyone that can answer this from an islamic perspective or ask their lokal sheikh or something. I can't stand the idea of ever, maybe, having to pay interest. It breaks my heart but giving up my long time goal, one of the very few things that keep me going, also breaks my heart. So basically I am stuck. Actually been crying over this today.

So back to my question: would it be okay to take out a loan only because they say there is no interest? It's never in my intention to purposely get into a loan with riba. But on the other hand, I don't know if I want to take the risk. Idk what to do really.

Ps: if you recognise the country I'm talking about and you understand how it works, feel free to pm me. It's in Europe.

submitted by /u/Foolxumo
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