Salam Aleykoum everyone.

So I am in a situation where I am wondering if I should keep making dua or if I should pray Istikhara.

I have been praying for something for a while and wAllahi my heart doesn’t want to give up on it, as impossible as it seems, I know that nothing is impossible for Allah Subhana Wa Ta’la, and that if I make dua with certainty then it’s going to happen. I did a lot of other adoration acts besides dua, and I am not asking for something Haram. I have also heard that Allah Azawajal is The One that guides to make dua and if He did not wanted to answer that dua He wouldn’t have put it in my heart.

So the issue now is, some things have been happening and I take that as a test, I want to keep making dua, but my friend advised me to make Istikhara. So now I am confused. Because I feel like making istikhara when I am sure that I want this one thing would be as if I didn’t believe Allah Azawajal was able to grand it to me ?

Idk. Because I am in a case where I am sure that I want the thing I am making dua for …

Help please …😂 Baaraka Allahu fik.

submitted by /u/nilakzzs
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