Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu,

I have just finished praying Asr when my mom called me after the Salam. So I responded and told her to wait a second. Then I resumed and looked up the Takbeer to say it. I said it loud but not very loud because I was worried she might hear me. So it was audibly loud to me. I also was very nervous while saying it because I was worried anytime somebody is going to barge into my room. (Revert (my mom knows but it still happens that she needs something mid prayer or just enters and talks to me) )

Should I repeat it? I am certain I did say it, but I suffer from overthinking because I don't want to do things the wrong way. Can anybody put my mind at ease? I couldn't find information online on how loud it should be and on validity if one is not completely focused due to being distracted.

Thank you!

Also would I be doing an innovation if I repeat it just in case?

submitted by /u/Basic-Artichoke7841
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