Hey everyone,

I came back to Islam and I am looking for guidance, I'm pretty sure this doesn't break any of the community rules and I don't want to sin and want to make sure I get things right.

I've tried researching online but information is so vague and I don't understand it so I'm hoping someone can help me.

Is jewellery for men haram ?

You see I wear a lot of jewellery, I think it is a nice accessory. I know gold for men is haram because it is feminine right ?

What about other things. I have a black leather watch and it has silver outlines, I'm not sure if the silver is real silver or just the colour silver but is that okay ?

Along with that I wear bracelets. I have a silver chain like bracelet and a matching sliver chain. It is not feminine so is that okay or no ? I also have 2 rings on my right hand. They are simply black and a metal. I also have a leather bracelet on my other hand.

I don't want to sin and I am trying to seek guidance so you may see a couple of posts from me and at the moment I just want to know if my jewellery is okay or if I have to stop ? Nothing I wear is feminine or gold.

What do you all think ?

Thank you in advance

submitted by /u/AceIsHere16
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