I struggle with writing, but I'll give it a shot. Some of my friends have developed a habit of using slurs against various communities, most of which I haven't even heard of before. It's a recent development that they started using the n-word. I mean, they used to say it when we were much younger, around 11 years old, but we all became more educated and stopped using slurs. They were actually the type of people who would get upset if anyone else said it, showing a genuine hatred towards those who used such language. However, all of a sudden last year, they started mocking a specific group of people (which I won't mention), and their insults were extremely hurtful. Neither I nor another friend participated in this behavior, and we both tried to discourage them from doing it. But this year, they started using the n-word, even though I am black. They first said it in front of me to test the waters, and being an awkward person, I just laughed awkwardly. Since then, they have been consistently using the n-word to refer to me and other black individuals. They say it with the hard 'r' and everything, and it makes me incredibly uncomfortable. I truly despise them when they say it. I try to brush it off and act like I'm fine, but deep down, I want to confront them. Every time I make a mistake, they say things like, "you're such a dumb black n-word." I attempt to ignore it, but honestly, I can't take it anymore, and it has only been happening for about three weeks. My Muslim school is small, so if I leave this friend group, I will be alone, and the other people in my class are pretty much the same, not to mention quite boring. I genuinely hate my current life and what it's becoming. I want to learn how to make new friends online, at least to experience some happiness, because I don't really have anyone I can truly call my friend anymore due to their actions. I used to enjoy their company because we shared a similar sense of humor, but now I'm unsure. I plan to cut them off as soon as I graduate, which is about a year and a half away. I intend to speak to them about it, but I'm not sure how to do it without making it incredibly awkward. I'd prefer to do it over text because I would probably laugh awkwardly if we discussed it face-to-face. I would greatly appreciate some help on how to write a paragraph to them that wouldn't create an unbearable awkwardness if I have to see them at school the next day. Jazakallah!

And for anyone that tries to tell me to give them advice from an Islamic perspective to see what they are doing is wrong I guarantee you they will not listen and laugh in my face

submitted by /u/Strong_Big5078
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