Few days back I saw a dream that I let in a few stray cats in my home but one of them passed away not inside my house but at my doorstep. I disregarded that dream because I had just watched the movie “Qorin” where a cat also passed away but due to jinns. I thought maybe it was just my subconscious mind relating to the movie.

But the next day one of my 3 kittens passed away. He had previous illness (however had recovered). Three days later another kitten passed away (this kitten was healthy and has recently been tested for possible sickness but tested negative. She even played with me hours before passing away).

My question is, did it have something to do with the dream or the movie? Or is it evil eye because honestly through science I cannot justify this sudden passing of kittens.

To say the least I am in utter shock and pray Allah gives me the strength.

submitted by /u/masiat
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