Some context: my parents and I moved to US from our home country in 2013. The job market was very bad and I was a teenager who left everything, all my friends behind. It was a culture shock that I never grew out of. I was not in the best of mental states and Ive never been very good with confrontations.

A lot of shit happened during the years but I somehow managed to get my associates in 2019. But my parents (especially my father) constantly compare me to his brothers children who are geniuses.

I have adhd and it's very hard for me to concentrate. To make them happy and because they kept asking me, I lied to my parents that I was enrolled in a university in an engineering program and had applied for graduation.

I previously lied to them and produced a fake degree but my uncle ratted me out and my parents were very very disppointed.

In total it's been 7 years now but I was just not able to concentrate. either that or I can't get admission and my metal health has always been bad.

I've contemplated getting severally hurt or running away.

I'm supposed to tell them today that I won't be graduating but I don't know what excuse I could possible give them this time.

My dad's very violent and I'm scared he'll call the school and end up finding out that I was never enrolled to begin with.

I have a good job and I want to move out but Im also terrified of moving away from my mom.

Please please any advice is welcome.

I'm very very scared here.

submitted by /u/Agreeable-Gas-7222
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from Islam
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