So I was convinced in accepting Tawheed mainly by reading authors like ibn rushd(yeah know not a oerthodox guy,but this section in his book helped me alot ),which prove there is one and one unique existance thats neccessary,from the argument that multiple divinities means no divinities due to composition between specified differing nature and generic one in a hypothetical multiplicity,which would make both composed of ontological parts,and the compound is a effect.

if God is composed,then i have no argument against the trinity,and might aswell go back to christianity.

But rejecting Divine simplicity means God is composed.

then you have the atharis who are anthropomorphists,which the former see as kufr,and I just cannot logically accept.

then you have ismailis who are neoplatonists.then you have 12ers who are to me commiting innovation and made up problematic beliefs(my opinion,no insult intended) and also the batini sufis etc

the only sects which have sound aqeedah,that is divine simplicity and none of that other stuff are the Ibaadi and the Zaydi it seems.

But these are so obscure.

what should I do?

it seems the ahlussunnah are just not on the right path,but also neither the other ones,and I don't know much about the zaydiya and ibaadiya other than their aqeedah is pretty dope.I think.I think they deny qadr and qadr is clearly and openly part of the naql and matn(divine texts).

Sigh,this is just so confusing.

submitted by /u/Artziebetter
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