Salaamw alaikum. I have been talking to a guy for 2 months now with both of us fully intent on marrying (his siblings and mum are aware as are my siblings and mum). Right before he was about to tell his dad and take the first steps towards actually coming for my hand in marriage we got into an argument that wasn’t serious but he impulsively suggested we don’t get married (he does so every time we argue) and I was so sick of it and so hurt that I took it as final. We stopped talking for a few days and I was horribly depressed, spending the first few days nonstop crying. My brother took me out 4/5 days after us breaking things off and I took 2 tiktoks and posted them (I am in full hijab in both). However we got back in touch a couple days after those tiktoks with me reaching out just to see if things are really over. He is now telling me he still wants to marry me but because of my tiktoks his perception of me has changed. I don’t know how pertinent this is but he did actually meet me through tiktok lol so it’s not like I’ve done a complete 180 on him. He is saying very hurtful things like “had I known you were like this I would’ve never talked to you” and “I feel like my wife is for the world”. He says I disrespected him and the dynamics of our relationship has changed and he no longer trusts me.

I guess I’m just wondering if this type of reaction is justified. I do regret posting and I haven’t gotten defensive and argumentative but I just don’t know where to go from here. Have I done something so heinous? Should I give up on us?

submitted by /u/Electronic_Fault_191
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