Since 2017 my life has been the worst and

2017 --> i got the evil eye after a quran competition

2018 ---> diagnosed with a food allergi

2019 ---> my stomach pain began to start

2020 - 2021 --> stomach pain that made me bedwritten and i had a lot of doctors appointments. diagnosed with depression

2021 --> i forced myself to start uni but dropped out because of stomach pains

2022 --> started uni again even though i had stomach pains. its hard when i am sick. I had to dropout again.

I have not talked to any of my friends since 2020. i dont have a social life anymore and maybe not even friends. i feel like i dont have a purpose in life other than being sick. i swear my life was better before 2017. i was happy but now i dont even leave my house. i am scared to send a message to my friends because i have not talked to them in so long.

I dont even pray on a regular basis, have not read quran since 2016 and i basically dont even do the basic stuff in islam anymore. sometimes i feel like my life is a punishment. i am sad and depressed. i just want to disappear from this earth but then i am afraid to die and face the afterlife.

i am afraid to even live anymore because i feel like there is more hardships and problems waiting for me and i am not even over my current and past hardships.

everyone in my life is living their best life and i am in my bed for the 3rd year in a row because of the stomach pain (my stomach pain gets worse when i am stressed, anxious and when i overthink too much which is basically every single day)


I need some good advice because I dont know what to do Allah angry with me? i cant even sleep anymore because i am afraid to die and go to hell.

Thank you.

submitted by /u/Missgurlyyyyy
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from Islam
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