Alongside Warsh, Qaaloon was one of the two transmitters of Naafi', one of the seven well-known reciters. You may have heard of the recitation of Qaaloon 'an Naafi', which is recited in Libya and surrounding regions. You can hear what it sounds like here. While discussing the biography of Qaaloon, whose real name was 'Eesaa ibn Mina, Imam ibn al-Jazari wrote:

[الملقب قالون قارئ المدينة ونحويها، يقال إنه ربيب نافع وقد اختص به كثيرًا وهو الذي سماه قالون لجودة قراءته فإن قالون بلغة الرومية جيد قلت: سألت الروم عن ذلك فقالوا: نعم غير أنهم نطقوا لي بالقاف كافا على عادتهم، قرأت على أحمد بن محمد الشيرازي عن علي بن أحمد أنبأنا زيد بن الحسن أنا عبد الله بن علي أنبأني أحمد بن عبد الجبار أنبأني الحسن بن علي المقرئ ثنا أحمد بن يزيد الحلواني ثنا أبو موسى قالون قال: كان نافع إذا قرأت عليه يعقد لي ثلاثين ويقول لي قالون يعني جيدًا جيدًا بالرومية، قال عبد الله بن علي إنما يكلمه بذلك لأن قالون أصله من الروم كان جد جده عبد الله من سبي الروم من أيام عمر بن الخطاب رضي الله عنه، فقد قَدِمَ به من أسَرَه إلى المدينة وباعه، فاشتراه بعض الأنصار]

He was nicknamed "Qaaloon", and he was a leading reciter of al-Madinah and the surrounding areas.

It is said that he was the stepson of Naafi', and Naafi' took special interest in him. In fact, he was the one who nicknamed him "Qaaloon" due to how excellent his recitation was, for the word "qaaloon" means "good" in the Byzantine language.

I asked some Byzantines about this and they said, "yes", except that they pronounced it for me with a kaf sound rather than a qaf sound, as is their way.

It was narrated to me that ... Qaaloon said: When I used to recite to Naafi', he would have me recite thirty ayat in a sitting and then he would say to me, "qaaloon", meaning "good job, good work" in the Byzantine language.

One of the sub-narrators said: The reason that Naafi' would say that is because Qaaloon's roots went back to the Byzantium. His grandfather's grandfather, 'Abdullah, was one of the Byzantine prisoners of war captured during the time of 'Umar ibn al-Khattab. His captors then brought him to al-Madinah to sell him, and he was purchased by one of the Ansar.

[Ghayah al-Nihayah 1/615, translation mine]

submitted by /u/Klopf012
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