Islam deals with a lot of mental health illnesses like depression, sadness, and anxiety.

Even though there is no verse in the Quran that directly speaks about mental health or a Hadith in the Sunna that speaks directly about it, Allah and his Beautiful Prophet Mohammed PBUH gave us a lot of solutions on how we cope with bullying, sadness, stress, and how we get out of a situation that causes or will cause us to damage our mental health.

I mean learning how to control our emotions, dealing with them in the right Islamic way, will surely be one of the reasons that will get us into Jannah.

But the only thing that I did not find any solution to, almost nobody talks about is Loneliness.

The thing about loneliness is that it's way more complicated than any other mental health issue, you can be surrounded by a lot of close people like family and friends, still you find yourself empty, like something is missing inside your heart.

Even though loneliness itself is not a mental sickness, it attracts other ones like depression and anxiety.

For the past 3 years, I was and still suffering from loneliness, sometimes chronic, and I promise you I do almost everything Allah commanded me to do : Sallah, fasting, Adhkar (Morning, evening), trying my hardest to obey my parents ideally, staying as far away possible from Zina.

I still feel extremely lonely, and before you tell me I should talk to someone about this, and I should open up to someone, no one in my life will truly understand how I feel or provide for me the right help I need.

I'm a 21 year old boy right now and I'm sure a lot of Muslims feel the same way.

The only thing I'm asking for here is that is there any way I can get help from the Quran and Sunna, cuz I didn't find anything. Or am I just an idiot who didn't look enough?

Salat and reading the Quran have been and still so wonderfully helpful easing out that crappy feeling, and making me forget how lonely I'm. But they don't get rid of the feeling.

Please brothers and sisters share with me your thoughts so that the other Muslims who are lonely can get some help from the community, not just me. : )

- Othmane.

submitted by /u/6Lucifurr9
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