Hi everyone.

I live in Kingston, ON, Canada. I'm a secular guy. Last winter a new family moved in. When I started putting up my Christmas lights (I love Christmas lights), the guy across the street also started. We sorta had a competition- I'd put something new up, and the next day so did this new resident. It went on for about a week, like something out of a movie.

The week before Christmas, we got hit w/ about 6" of snow. I was good b/c my wife gave me a new snowblower for Christmas. I saw my new neighbor struggling w/ his, so I finally went over to say hi.

Turns out this 'Christmas Light Competitor' is a Palestinian named Sammy who just moved to Kingston from the Toronto area 3 1/2 hrs away. He & his wife have 4 kids, and b/c an Elementary and HS are just a block away they fell in love w/ this area. He's a good shit- hard, HARD working guy, handy and all around decent.

He's also a Muslim who put up Christmas lights for pretty much the same reason I did. "My kids like it, and it makes the neighborhood prettier." He took his down after Jan 6th. I thought that was cool as anything.

So, this Ramadan, he put up a couple of banners, and put up some lights again.

So! This old fart (I'm 63) decided that if he was cool with the 'Christmasy Stuff', I dragged out some lights and fired 'em up for 30 days.

All through Ramadan his lights shone well wishes, and my lights returned the favor each night.

Now here we are, with Ramadan drawing to a close and I got a question for you:

My wife bought a lovely plant and box of chocolates (kids, remember? lol) . I have them all wrapped up, and am wondering...

  1. Should I give it to him now or wait until 'Eid' comes around on Monday?
  2. Got any good messages I can give him on the card I'll make up? I mean, at Christmas we say 'Merry Christmas' or 'Joyeux Noel' or 'Happy Holidays'- is there a phrase that's used for Ramadan? I don't want to offend, y'know?

Any ideas or help would be appreciated.



submitted by /u/27717
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