Asexuality is a label used by people who seem to not feel sexual attraction towards others, although they can still feel romantic attraction.

Most of them are sex-repulsed, while some are not. I just want for some to know: It is NOT an illness.

I am asking this, because I myself am asexual (although I currently don’t have a belief), but my friend is, too, and they are Muslim.

They asked me about it, because they just recently converted to Islam. They claim to be SEXUALLY ATTRACTED to no one, but romantically attracted to the opposite gender.

Since it seems that lgbt is pretty much a sin and asexuality is part of it, is it haram to not feel sexual attraction towards anyone?

And, no, I‘m not taking any answers like “You just haven’t found the right one!“, I just want a yes or a no with a reasonable explanation.

Thank you so much for your time, dear Muslims! :)

submitted by /u/IlkayIsConfused
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