Hello, I’m a 21 year old young Muslim girl and I married my boyfriend in a secret nikkah.

It’s not legally binding and we had 4 witnesses: he read the Surah’s himself and I consented.

I want out of this marriage. I agreed to it out of naivety and love. But its toxic. I’m moving to England soon to start lawschool and I had to help him fake everything for lawschool because he insisted on moving with me. Without my help I don’t think he will be capable of doing it and I don’t want to help him anymore.

I know my husband loves me but he accuses me of cheating constantly, is controlling, and gave me one thalak because I went to my best friends house without his “permission.” I told him I would ask next time but he gave me a divorce over the phone regarding this and disappeared for hours claiming his phone died. He refuses to give me a divorce and says I am to stay with him no matter what until he can convince me otherwise.

My husband left a lot of haram in his life for my sake. He used to abuse substances. He got his life straight and into lawschool for me. But I’m unhappy and now miserable in this. He doesn’t make me happy and we fight all the time. The dowry we agreed on was 100 dollars. If I return the dowry than our divorce will be fulfilled. He never gave it to me though. He says I can’t divorce him unless he gives it to me and he will just return it and not accept the money I send him for it anyway, he won’t accept my e-transfer. Currently he’s out of the country and I do not wish to remain in this marriage any longer and he refuses to grant me a divorce. What do I do?

submitted by /u/mirrorvisionsxx
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