Salam, the title is pretty self explanatory, before I start I'd like to apologize for the formatting I'm on mobile.

I've been trying to improve my imaan & pray , do dhikr & learn more about my religion. Every time I try to share something fun I learned , listening to Quran out loud , doing dhikr/reading/reciting out loud he mocks me, saying things like " you're not even wearing a hijab why are you trying " or " what's the point of you doing this " , something along those lines or simply just ignoring me . I heard a khutbah posted on tiktok a few days ago talking about how people are ignoring Allah sending them signs to strengthen there imaan through people and them brushing them off and it's planted a seed of worry in my heart for my younger brother.

Sorry for the bad english or if it was unlcear, english is my third language

submitted by /u/SalamanderSevere8637
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from Islam https://ift.tt/EXDiSqb

So this year I am learning more about Islam. I want a hearafter, I only believe in one God I can't understand as an agnostic who once was raised as an atheist how God could have children like bible claims and be able to be killed by man. None of that makes any sense to me.

Islam so far has been the most straight forward religion of them all from just the basics. However there's more to what I'd like to learn, only reason I'm wanting to learn more now is due to my attempt of ending it all back in September but I didn't thank fully.

I believe there was a reason or even a purpose and I'd like to believe its part of a Gods plan. So if someone could help me please go into the right direction of learning I'd be grateful for it.

I know some members won't accept my religion if I end up chasing Islam may stop talking to me or make fun of it. But I no longer care for I seek happiness,wisdom and truth.

Any guidance to the correct step will be grateful thank you.

submitted by /u/Lanky-Leavethrowaway
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from Islam https://ift.tt/sHELu8w
Haus Labs Bio-Radiant Highlighter

In 2022, I reviewed just over 70 different high-end highlighters, so there was a nice variety of products to become enamored with over the year, and while highlighting as a trend may have slowed down, it hasn’t gone away. Rare Beauty Positive Light Highlighters just came out in December, but they were just stunning applied. I also fell in love with Haus Labs Bio Radiant Highlighters, though they were quite pricey!

Temptalia’s Favorite Highlighters (Over $15) | 2022

If you’re unfamiliar with how I like to do my year-end favorites, here’s the low down: I pull from the products I reviewed in 2022, regardless of whether they were new, limited edition, or an established range I’ve only just gotten around to reviewing. These are personal favorites, so they may or may not be the highest rated products reviewed during the year (though they will tend to be better rated, naturally!). (You can check out the best of 2021 posts if you missed last year’s.)

Your Year in Review: Highlighters Edition — Part 2

I thought it would be interesting to read through how readers used products throughout the year, what favorites emerged, what products fell by the wayside… so, if you want to join in, copy and paste the questions below and add your answers via a comment!

  • Did you prefer cream or powder highlighter in 2022?
  • Are you looking to add any highlighter to your collection in 2023?
  • What was your go-to tool for applying highlighter in 2022?
Haus Labs Bio-Radiant Highlighter  

Haus Labs Bio-Radiant Highlighter  

Haus Labs Bio-Radiant Highlighter  

Haus Labs Bio-Radiant Highlighter  

Haus Labs Bio-Radiant Highlighter  

Haus Labs Bio-Radiant Highlighter  

Haus Labs Bio-Radiant Highlighter  

Haus Labs Bio-Radiant Highlighter  

Haus Labs Bio-Radiant Highlighter  

Haus Labs Bio-Radiant Highlighter  

Haus Labs Bio-Radiant Highlighter  

Haus Labs Bio-Radiant Highlighter  

Haus Labs Bio-Radiant Highlighter  

Haus Labs Bio-Radiant Highlighter  

Haus Labs Bio-Radiant Highlighter  

Haus Labs Bio-Radiant Highlighter  

from Temptalia https://ift.tt/7Ql9V8R