About to go on a long rant about the inappropriate and completely haraam nature of desi weddings. It always surprises me to see God fearing, bearded men, that pray 5 times and do all the other obligations best to their ability fling everything out the window on that day.

Watching them dance with non mahrams on DJ tunes comes off as a bit of a shock, when advised they say, "weddings don't happen everyday, it's once in a while occasion, and Allah SWT is most forgiving and merciful" and it's surprising that they don't see the fault in that.

Or the other argument I've heard is,"we aren't perfect Muslims, neither are, you also do so and so sin, so first go and rectify that" which is just the lowest form of argument there can be, whataboutism is just deflecting the point, anyways.

Desis have turned marriage into a spectacle, always trying to one up the other person, not realizing how many sins they are gathering in that process. They have turned marriage that is supposed to be simple into a million buck affair that has hindered so many others.

People are taking interest based loans just to be able to stand on the high pedestal that everyone seems to be on because no parent wants to let their kid down, & no kid understands that the sensationalism of these events lasts only for a few days leaving them in huge debt.

But hey it HAS to be done this way, the culture demands it, our prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam's way of a nikah is outdated and boring Nauzubillah, Ma'azAllah. We are ready to smother our few good deeds and gain many sins just for a few hours of show off.

We have made getting married so difficult and pricey that we no longer see the deen of our potential spouses rather their "standard" and if they able and willing to spend their lifesaving to the cultures demands. Causing so many people to stay unmarried & fall into zina.

I'm not going to go on how to get married the right way, there are more knowledgeable ulemas and muftis present that can tell you in detail with sanads. I'm just here to point out the blatant disregard of deen and wellbeing of others.

The entire marriage week is marked with songs on loudspeaker, so we begin with haraam. But not just for us we make sure it is heard as far away as possible, to people praying, reciting Qur'an, studying, trying to sleep, recovering from sickness, dealing with old age.

The reasoning given is "others do it as well" and isn't that the best reason to just start doing any sin in the world? because apparently others are doing it as well!. Saying it is a rare occasion and we don't do this in our daily life is disheartening to hear.

This was the one chance, one test from Allah SWT to see how strongly you've held on to this deen, and you just proved that we only practice when things are ideal, and deen isn't on top of our priority list. We have culture and pleasing others above pleasing Allah SWT.

We failed a very minor test fearing what people or society might say to our simpler wedding. It NEEDS all the razzle dazzle we can afford to outclass others, we never realize the only thing we are outclassing them in are the sins.

We stop playing songs at the time of azaan, but restart it as soon as the azaan ends probably because we have forgotten that salah usually follows it. We free mix as Riya is more important than haya and shariah. Subhanallah & then we wonder why there are azab on the ummah.

Everytime a sick person is disturbed because of the songs we're playing or firecrackers we're bursting, every infant that cries or can't sleep, every old age person that is disturbed, every salah disturbed, every student disturbed adds on the major sin compounding it.

Then we wonder why there's no barakah in our relationships. May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala guide me and others, give us hidayah, and make us dwellers of Jannatul Firdaus.

submitted by /u/charmingpssycho
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