Some background: I am a white, raised catholic college student, I took two classes on the history of and then politics of Islam at Colorado College and have recently transferred to Boston University to be closer to home.

For one of my classes, we visited a Mosque, and it was an incredible experience. I learned a lot, but was mostly struck by the kindness and openness of everyone there. I have been raised catholic and kindness towards “others” (people who are not in good graces with God for any reasons be it not a catholic or being a drug dealer or prostitute, etc, etc. gets a lot of hate (even though these were the people Jesus associated with). I don’t mean to make broad generalizations, this has just been my own personal experience. Im sure the majority of catholics are not like this.

Regardless, I do not think I believe in any God right now. I’m much more agnostic. That being said, I don’t want to be. I want to be apart of a community like the one I experienced at the Mosque in a meaningful way.

I don’t want to be disrespectful and I would love to cultivate a meaningful relationship with God in some shape or another.

What is the best way to respectfully learn more about Islam as a practiced religion as opposed to academia, is it okay for me to attended meetings at a Mosque, and how can I meet someone within a Mosque to teach me more.

I know participating in prayer is disrespectful if I do not believe, but I truly want to believe.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

P.S.: I do drink alcohol and as of right now can not see myself giving that up completely. I also plan on getting a tattoo or many. Do these disqualify me from being a “good” muslim/would this be seriously frowned up?

Thanks so much in advance.

submitted by /u/KcDiNi
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from Islam
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