Asaalam Alaikum, I am student and I want to inshallah study Computer Science at University. At the moment to do this I have to do well in some courses called A Levels but due to the decline of my health, I have had some kidney problems going on, I decided it would be best to drop Chemistry since I had missed so much school and have missed so much practicals. So it made sense to me then this way I could focus on my other two courses, Mathematics and Comp Sci.

I told my parents this and initially they supported me. For context I need to do three courses to go to a prestigious university, dropping chemistry would mean I would be doing only 2 so I would have to do a course next year which is still not a bad option, and this course would be considerably easier than Chemistry.

Just to add as well this is not a decision I took lightly I did istikhara about three times as I was very unsure what to do. I felt very anxious after I made the decision to drop the subject but then I decided to just lay all my trust in Allah (SWT). These past few days after I made my decision, my parents have been increasingly vocal in telling me I should just continue with Chemistry even if I fail it because it will give me some amount of points and I would still be able to go to university just one that is probably not prestigious or of my choice.

I woke up at Fajr and my mother shouted for hours on hours about this, she complained to her friends about me making ‘stupid’ decision. She then went to work and came back around Dhur time and continued, my Father added to this by repeatedly asking to me ‘just do chemistry’. This has been difficult to hear all the time. My Quran teacher agreed with my parents and said for me to continue though I have missed so much.

At this point I feel like I am being borderline forced to do what my parents feel is right, I feel if I go against their decision as my Mum has claimed I will be ‘miserable’ and ‘fail’ and generally regret if I choose to drop the subject.

I respect my parents but if I do decide against what they wish is this prohibited, will this only bring me misfortune?

submitted by /u/inikus
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