Asalaamu alaykum all. As the title says I want to become a better Muslim but don’t know where to start. My family is Muslim but not really practicing except for my grandmother and a couple distant relatives. I married my husband last year and alhamdulilah he is a practicing Muslim, not perfect but much better than me or my family.

We have been trying to conceive and it’s affected me a lot mentally to the point I feel I’m getting depressed, we also had a miscarriage and though I know my husband was sad about it, I know his Imaan helped him through it. I want to use this time to get stronger in my imaan but get overwhelmed on where to start. My husband doesn’t do his prayers but when I told him I want to start I could see how happy it made him and I’m sure once I start he will follow.

I feel like my prayers should be the first start but I don’t speak Arabic. I’m not working right now as I’m finishing my degree so I feel like I have a lot of free time, I have no excuse and should use it to work on my imaan. What would be the best way to start doing my prayers properly? I have a small book on salah and wudu, is it okay to read the book since I don’t have the prayers memorized? And any useful suggestions or tips for memorization? I don’t want to just memorize, I want to understand what I’m saying.

Any books that might be good to have? As I said I have a few on salah and Ramadan, a really nice one called the Ideal Muslimah but it’s pretty basic. I’m looking for something more substantial, especially because we want to have children.

Also, I’ve looked into the local masjids to see if there were any programs for women but didn’t have much luck.

I appreciate all suggestions.

submitted by /u/Macchiato9261
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from Islam
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