
I wanted share this incredible story of a man in the surah Al Yasin, This story is narrated to Prophet muhammad (peace be upon him) to strengthen him.

Give them an example ˹O Prophet˺ of the residents of a town, when the messengers came to them. (Ayat 13)

We sent them two messengers, but they rejected both. So We reinforced ˹the two˺ with a third, and they declared, “We have indeed been sent to you ˹as messengers˺.” (Ayat 14)

The people replied, “You are only humans like us, and the Most Compassionate has not revealed anything. You are simply lying!” (Ayat 15)

The messengers responded, “Our Lord knows that we have truly been sent to you. (ayat 16)

And our duty is only to deliver ˹the message˺ clearly.” (ayat 17)

The people replied, “We definitely see you as a bad omen for us. If you do not desist, we will certainly stone you ˹to death˺ and you will be touched with a painful punishment from us transgressing people.” (ayat 18)

The messengers said, “Your bad omen lies within yourselves. Are you saying this because you are reminded ˹of the truth˺? In fact, you are a transgressing people.” (ayat 19)

2 messengers were sent initially to people of the city to deliever the message about Allah and worship one God, people refused , so Allah sent one more messenger to strenghten them.

Generally Prophets and messengers are sent to harshest people of the city ,who are mean, subborn , idol worshipping and even ready to kill or stone Them. Its a thing in history that city life is basically busy life , there are busy in worldly life are far away from religion, compared to village people who are more thoughtful, they ponder more, they are spiritual and people who engage with nature. The prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him ) was born and sent to People of the Makkah ( which describes the city people) who rejected him even after 10 years of message and clear proofs, compare that to the madina people who accepeted him as the messenger even when he was not from them.

Then from the farthest end of the city a man came, rushing. He advised, “O my people! Follow the messengers". (Ayat 20)

Follow those who ask no reward of you, and are ˹rightly˺ guided.

And why should I not worship the One Who has originated me, and to Whom you will be returned.

How could I take besides Him other gods whose intercession would not be of any benefit to me, nor could they save me if the Most Compassionate intended to harm me? Indeed, I would then be clearly astray. I do believe in your Lord, so listen to me.” (ayat 21-25)

A man heard this message from the farthest city like the outskirts , he may have heard it among the people who may have spread it among themselves and it reached that far this 3 messagers convinced one person, he accepted the message , and he thought it was important to tell this to the city people . imagine this, there are 3 messengers delivering the same message day and night to these people , what different will he say compared to them, yet he says "O my people! Follow the messengers". He is not a known or famous man or a scholar he didn't even have any resources to travel like horse etc but he didnt think twice he came by foot not by walking but running, knowing the importance of the message he came rushing to them.

˹But they killed him, then˺ he was told ˹by the angels˺, “Enter Paradise!” He said, “If only my people knew . Of how my Lord has forgiven me, and made me one of the honourable.” (ayat 26-27)

This is the most fascinating part , the people killed him , and he was admitted to paradise , and his story and words are recorded in the quran till the end of time. His name is unknown, we dont even know where did he belonged to or what was his age no physical description of the man but what we see is his sincere effort was to deliever the message inspite of how insignificant he might have been to other people but in the sight of Allah he was known. The angles knew his name in jannah.

So don't worry if you are unknown in this world try to aim to be known in jannah , being known or popular in this world doesnt guarantee you success in the next world. So be sincere in your effort and Allah will reward you even if no one sees know that Allah the Almighty is all seing and your efforts will never go waste.

submitted by /u/ztaker
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