Assalamulaykum Brothers,

So basically in my school (8th grade, U.S.) we are now taking sexual education, and when I looked it up, it said the 2 main things about why it is disliked is because it promotes zina and the person can be too young. So as for the first point, I checked the sheet they gave us, and on one of the pages it showed tips to help avoid problems, and one of them said wait till marriage. As for the second point, I'm 14, I think I'm at an age where I am mature enough, and honestly while we were learning it, all I kept thinking was Subhanallah, I was amazed how cool the human body was. So I don't think it will turn me away from Islam, just the opposite actually. But, next week we have to watch a movie called Nova: Life's greatest miracle. Basically it shows a woman giving birth. So I looked it up online, it said that as long as it is not just extra, if it is necessary for education, then it is permissible. Can someone clarify this for me. So if it is haram, I can sorta not watch it during the class. And of course the class is gender separated. And as for the Islamic limitations on this stuff, I know them, so that is not an issue.

Sorry if this is a bit akward, I thought it was necessary to ask though.

رمضان كريم

submitted by /u/Dyshoreh
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